Mike's After Action Reviews Logo

Written by SSG Matt If you have seen the original Twister back in 1996 and thought that this was going to be the same, well I can tell you it was not cows flying; it was not houses that they drove through. No, this one is written completely different. This movie is fully action packed, […]

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Sweet Tooth (Season 1): A Promising Start

Written by Mike Sweet Tooth’s story takes place in a world that has almost been destroyed by a terribly lethal disease commonly known as “The Sick”. It is about a boy named Gus who, like many other children born around the same time that The Sick appeared, is a hybrid. Hybrids are children that have […]

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Invincible (Season 1): The Gold Standard for Comic Book T.V. Series

Written by Mike What if superheroes were real? Not like we see in the movies, but ACTUALLY real. What kinds of real-world problems would superheroes have, and what would their real-world solutions be? What kind of damage would a super-powered punch do to a “normal” human? And, of course, what kind of damage could superhumans […]

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